Haitian Creole Dictionary

Greetings are more important in Haitian than in English.  It is considered impolite not to wave or otherwise acknowledge the presence of another person.  There are several greetings that are appropriate for a particular period of the day.  In general, Hello! is Alo! or more informally, Woy! to which the response is the same.

The formal greeting for morning time is Bonjou!  For the evening it is Bonswa!  Upon retiring for the night one says Bo’n nwit.

Hello!  –  Alo! / Woy!

Good morning!  –  Bonjou!

Good evening!  –  Bonswa!

How are you?  –  Kijan ou ye?

How’s it going?  –  Sa K’ pase?

I am well.  –  M’ byen

I’m good.  (lit. I’m here.)  –  M’ la.

Fine, thanks!  –  M’ byen, me’si!

Thank you!  –  Me’ si!

We’re good. (lit. We’re here.)  –  Nou la.

I’m not too well.  –  M’ pa two’ byen.

We’re not too well.  –  Nou nan mal.

Good-bye.  –  M’ ale. / Orevwa.

See you later.  –  N’a we’ pita.

Good night.  –  Bo’n nwit.

Pleased to meet you!  –  M’ kontan rankontre ou!




Bonjo – (Bohn – jhoo): Good morning (‘til noon)

Bonswa – (Bohn – swah): Good afternoon or evening

Bon nwit – (Bohn – nweet): Goodnight, when you are going to bed

M’ale – (mm-all-lay): I’m going, I’m leaving

Ann ale t’imoun – (ahn-all-lay t-moon): Let’s go children

Blan – (blah): the color white, in your case a term yelled at white skinned people in passing (sometimes curious, sometimes derogatory depends on the tone and the circumstances)

Ou prale? – (oo prall-lay): Are you going?

Mezami – (Mĕz-ah-me): Said in a drawn out fashion when surprised. Like oh my goodness, or wow, did you see that?

Li – (Lee): He, she, or it

Pa fe sa – (Pa fĕ sah): Don’t do that

Ban mwen sa – (Bomb wĕ sah): Give me that

Tann mwen – (Ton mwĕh): Wait for me

Fè bak – (fĕh bahk): Back up

Sivouple – (See-voo-play): Please

Ou fini? – (oo fee-knee): Are you finished?

M fini – (Mm fee-knee): I’m finished

F-I-N-I fini! – (F-E-N-E, fee-knee): It’s finished, it’s all gone, no more

Fe silans! – (Fay-see-lons): Be quiet

Vini – (Vee-knee): Come

Vin kanpe la – (Vee-n kahn-pay lah): come stand here

Monté – (mohn-tay): Climb up

Monté machin – (Mohn-tay ma sheen): Climb up on the truck

Rèté – (Reh-tay): to stop or stop

W’ap jwe avè-m? – (Wahp jwa ah-vĕh-m): Are you going to play with me or will you play with me?

Annou jwé boul – (Ahn-noo jwa boo-l): Let’s play ball

Foutbal – (foo-t-bowl): Soccer

Annou chante ansanm – (Ahn-noo shahn-ta ahn-sahnmm): Let’s sing together

Chita – (Shee-tah): Sit

Kanpe – (Kahn-pay): Stand up

Manje – (Mahn-jay): Eat

W’ap manjé –(Wop mahn-jay): Are you eating? or Do you want to eat it?

Rinmin – (Ray-mih): to like or to love

Ou rinmin li? – (oo ray-mih lee): Do you like it? Do you like him or her?

Tande – (Tahn-day): Listen

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