Short Term Mission Trip FAQs

Blessing Hearts Ministries – Short Term Mission Trip FAQs

What is the cost per person per week?

  • $2000 a person per week. This covers all costs, including airfare.
  • Payment in full due one month before arrival

Where do we stay?

  • You’ll stay at the mission compound with the Dorcé family. Specific arrangements and accommodations will be at the Dorcés’ discretion. Limit 15 people.

What should I bring with me?

  • Twin sheet set, towels, camera, personal toiletries, water bottle, bible, notebook for journaling, sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repellent with deet, hat for shade, small package of tissue for bathroom emergencies, hand sanitizer, a small back pack to carry these items, a flexible attitude, and lots of love to leave behind.

What not to bring:

  • Fine jewelry, as with any third world country, or anything that requires electricity. Electricity may be available on a limited basis to charge batteries, but it will not be reliable.

What will we be doing?

  • The specifics will be determined by the Dorcés and the current needs of the ministry. The goal of the trip is not to change the people you will be working with. If you go with an attitude of letting God speak through you and are flexible in laying down your own agenda, it will be an incredible time. Be open, flexible and ready to learn something new. The biggest result may be a change in you!

What forms are required?

  • A current passport. You will receive a green form on the plane which serves as your VISA while in Haiti. You will return your VISA upon your return at the airport in Haiti. Please provide mission staff with a copy of your current passport and insurance card upon your arrival in Haiti.

What meals are provided?

  • All meals are provided. You are encouraged to bring snacks, especially if you have specific health concerns.

How do we travel while in Haiti?

  • Type of travel will depend upon the nature of the trip and the projects. Travel will most often be by bus or large van. Some travel will be in the back of an open truck. Sunscreen is advised.

What shots are required?

  • We require the recommended prescription for Malaria pills (Cloroquine), a Tetanus vaccination, and the first round of the Hepatitis A vaccination. Check with your doctor at least 2 weeks before your trip. Other vaccinations that may be recommended are Hepatitis B and Typhoid. You can also check online with the CDC at

Do we need insurance?

  • Each trip participant must have some type of international insurance. Check with your group leader about group insurance. If you are traveling individually, ask your insurance agent. Some agencies offer short-term overseas insurance.

What’s the emergency contact information while in Haiti?

What about culture shock?

  • Culture shock is defined as a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation.
  • Not every person goes through culture shock. Once in Haiti, you are going to be overwhelmed with sights and smells that you can’t imagine. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. You will see sick people, hungry people, poor people. You will see trash and sewer in the streets. The houses are small, dirty. The people all speak a different language from you. Nothing will look familiar. Your mind will be trying to make sense of all of these things. You may feel a sense of hopelessness.
  • If you are feeling this way, talk about it. Discuss what you are seeing. Journal! Remember, that while the needs of the Haitian people are great, their greatest need is to know Jesus. You can show Jesus to everyone you meet by your actions, by your love. Don’t be afraid to dive into the culture. Try to speak the language. Don’t be afraid to be laughed at. Usually on a short term trip, the feelings of culture stress start to lessen after a few days. Spend time in the Word and in talking to God.