Lonia's Story


MARCH 2008

In March 2008 it seemed her story, only just begun, had come to an end. Her parents, after taking her to multiple doctors and clinics in Haiti, had just been told to leave their baby on the steps of the hospital that was their last option because they couldn’t do anything for her. 9-month-old Lonia Ermilus, was dying of a rare, severe birth defect. She was born with no rectum, no way to release the waste inside her intestines, leaving her bowels twisted and daily filling with toxins that were slowly poisoning her.

Prayers are lifted up from the mountains of Haiti…

You are the God who performs miracles; You display your power among the peoples.     Psalm 77:14

After meeting this sweet baby up in the Haitian mountains at a church their ministry disciples and supports, Dee Dorcé (Mdme. Kiki) immediately sent out emails and pleas to the US for help in saving Lonia, for the surgeries and care that were needed to save her are inaccessible in Haiti.

God is at work in this suffering world, always at work to evoke a bit more compassion….Starting with me. -Author Unknown-

Dental Hygienist, Tammy Wood, shared this information with co-workers, and word got to one of their patients, Joe Tebo, who made arrangements with American Airlines to transport Dee and Lonia to the States from Haiti to begin her urgent treatment and health care needs.  Joe was also a pilot for ‘Earth Angels Aviators’ and donated his flying time and helping hand to Dee and Lonia during their stay in the States.

Hand selected by God, Dr. Bob Gates of Sacramento, California was obedient to God’s calling and donated his time and services to provide for Lonia’s care… at no cost.

“For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from Him.”  Psalm 62:5

After multiple reconstructive surgeries…..Lonia’s health began to improve.

Dee Dorce’ continued to temporarily live apart from her husband in Haiti, as she cared for Lonia here in the States. Although Lonia’s health improved daily, she needed to stay close to her doctors for intense care.  Lonia’s color, smile, appetite, sleep, spunk, and sparkle in her eyes became more apparent and routine each and every day!  To God we give all the glory!

Dr. Bob Gates and his wife, Beverly, took Dee and Lonia into their own home in California, to personally care for Lonia.

When Lonia’s health improved enough to be released from their care, the Gates family threw Lonia a HUGE going away party including everyone who had been influential in Lonia’s life to that point: her nurses, the dental team, the Tebos, and more.

Lonia’s recovery and condition required that she remain somewhere with easy access to medical care and foods her new insides could handle. A couple who aided Dee in her care grew to love her as their own and chose to adopt her. Lonia was able to visit her family in Haiti not long after her surgery and another celebration party was held at her home church, where the people had been certain they would never see her again. Lonia now lives in the U.S. with her adoptive mom, Teresa (her adoptive father, Charlie, passed away). She is a joyful, spunky, talented young lady who loves dancing and singing and performing…she brings smiles to the faces of all who know and love her.

“Here she is, alive and healthy.  She has had 4 major surgeries and will need more care as she grows.  She used to have a dull, sad and painful look in her eyes.  It has been replaced by a brilliant sparkle, full of life and a HUGE smile….with BIG dancing brown eyes that speak volumes. She is now a ball of fire instead of the listless little girl I brought on the plane from Haiti.”  Dee Dorce’

Yes, God is good……

Many have been inspired through the story of this miracle, in which God has once again shown His amazing compassion and power through those who were willing to be used of Him.