Berea Christian Mission







Wilckly Dorcé, who is best known as “Pastor Kiki,” was born in central Haiti, in one of its most impoverished regions. Wilckly’s father died in a tragic accident before he was born, leaving his mother to be the sole provider for their family, thus he was mainly raised by his aunts and other relatives. After pursuing an education in many areas, including mechanics and construction, he worked as a translator for many prominent missions throughout Haiti. While translating he met David Orr, who eventually made him director of Berea Children’s Home in downtown Port-au-Prince. After Wilckly served as director of the home for a few years, Deana Diggs, a recent college graduate from Iowa, joined the staff. They were married a few years later, and after the children in the home were grown Wilckly and Dee, then with a family of their own, moved to a more rural district of Haiti about an hour north of Port-au-Prince, a village called Carries. There they developed Berea Christian Mission. They were based in Carries for twelve years, both planting churches and discipling and nurturing those already in existence. They also started/supported six schools and currently run one while still partnering with others, all within an eight-hour radius of their mission base at Carries. Wilckly and Dee are the founders of Blessing Hearts Ministries, the non-profit organization that helps to fund and support Berea Christian Mission in Haiti.



Deana Diggs was raised in Gravity, IA and studied missions at Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, MO. It was while she was a student there that she met David Orr, who told her about the children’s home he and his wife, Wanda, had founded in Haiti. Dee knew God was calling her to mission work, and she loved children, so she agreed to a ten-day survey trip. Three days after graduating from Central she took the trip, and it only took one day for the children to capture her heart. Upon returning from Haiti, she spent eighteen months in the States raising support so she could go back to work and live in Haiti. On January 7th, 1993 Dee joined Wilckly and the Berea staff at the children’s home in Port-au-Prince. She and Wilckly were married a few years later. When about ten years had passed, the children were all grown, and conditions in Port-au-Prince had caused the area to become unsafe in which to raise a family, Dee and Wilckly and their daughter Ashley moved to Carries, Haiti, about an hour north of Port-au-Prince. Soon Kelsey was born, and four years later their son Josiah joined the family. All five of them live and serve among the people, while overseeing numerous national-run churches and schools all throughout central Haiti.